President-elect speaks

Posted By Josh Nelson

Mark Kimbell. Photo from

Club president Bill Sorrells presided over his last meeting on June 20, and he gave the stage over to Mark Kimbell, the president-elect who takes over on July 1.

Kimbell shared his goals and visions for the club, which include trying to get every member to be a Paul Harris Fellow by October 31 when the district governor is coming (He has a plan for that).

He is also looking at membership. “My goal is to get to 88 members in the club,” he said. “We’re looking to have 100 members in our 100’th year in 2023, so I was looking at how many new members we need to add each year.” We need five new members per year to reach that goal.

Kimbell also would like to begin to hold one event a year in conjunction with other Rotary Clubs in the county. “We’re talking about what we can do and we will try to make it happen,” he said.

In addition, Kimbell would like to start one new fundraising event for the club to help our finances. “I’m not looking as it a something as big as our auction, but something to just put a little more change in our pocket,” he said before floating out ideas.

Also: Kimbell announced there will be no fee increases for members this year.

Kimbell also took time to introduce new officers: Janet Rambo as vice-president; Megan McKinney as president-elect; Jamey Campbell will continue his excellent services as secretary; David Mueller as treasurer; Brandon Hesson as sergeant-at-arms; and, of course Bill Sorrells is past-president.

Board members will be Anna Stephens (I spelled it correctly!), Robin Wilmore, Mark Dozier, JoAnn Graves, John Ross, and Rebecca Stewart.

Harold Sides will continue to lead new member orientations, Richie Harville will be the Foundation Chairman, Dale Hardiman will be the Membership Chairman, Kelly Coley will be Service Project Chair (“Okay,” she said. “I didn’t know that, but okay” even though she has advocated for us to do more of them), Bill Kemp will head up our programs, Tanner Sandel will handle our social media presence, and you are stuck with Josh Nelson doing the almost weekly bulletins for another year.

There were several other things President-elect Kimbell covered; you can listen to his full presentation at the link below.

Audio of President-elect Mark Kimbell’s presentation on June 20, 2019.

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